Fascinating Events

1 Curled Snake in wa hing machine A women got cared after finding a five feet nake curled up in the wa hing machine while unloading her laundry Wendy Foley of age 51 found the corn nake crawled into her clothe when the door wa opened She added ,"I opened the gla door at the front and I aw omething I took it to be part of a... more

Hairy-Nosed Otter

The hairy-no ed otter i the world' endangered otter pecie Now it i expected to een in Deramakot Fore t Re erve, which i located in the Malay ian tate of Sabah After hundred year it found in Deramakot Otter are partially-aquatic mammal Otter i of the family Mu telidae, like Wea el , Polecat and Badger There are 12 pecie... more

world’s biggest rat – scientist discovered

Archaeologi t have expo ed that ruin what they tru t of the world' large t rat that da hed on the Earth nearly 2,000 year ago The keletal leftover of the huge rat that i held to have an a e ed body weight of about 6kg remained originate throughout cavity dig in Ea t Timor The digging accepted out by a team from CISCO... more

Dead animals left at 2 clinics

Over the la t three week , package containing dead animal have been left at two clinic on the North Side that perform abortion , according to police At about 8:15 am today, a package containing a dead po um wa found at a Planned Parenthood clinic at 1200 N LaSalle St in the Old Town neighborhood, police aid A me age crawled on... more

Effects Caused By Gulf Oil-Spilling

In the Gulf of Mexico, oil continue to leak profu ely from a deep ea well of about 40 mile far from the United State coa t triggered by the explo ion of Deepwater Horizon rig on April 20 Many eabird in the Gulf that are drenched in oil have timulated mi ery around the world Melanie Dri coll, the con ervationi t announce the... more

Indian Tiger

Cla : MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: FelidaeGenu pecie : Panthera, Tigri Size: The ize of a male tiger can range up to 3 m and the female to 27 mWeight: The weight of a male can be up to 225 kg female to 135 kg large t exi ting member of the cat familySexual maturity: Female attain exual maturity at 3 to 4 year wherea male... more

Special animal dads

Mo t animal on no account even ee their parent Many never meet their father and ome do not get together their mother moreover A quantity of in ect , fi h, amphibian and reptile hatch from fertilized egg and face life on their ownAnd tho e animal that are rai e by parent are often rear by their mother We all be acquainted with... more

Philippine Tarsier

The Philippine Tar ier acknowledged ecure by a the Maumag in Cebuano i an endanger tar ier cour e group e tabli hed to the Philippine It i create in the outhea tern part of the archipelago, predominantly in the i land of Bohol, Samar, Leyte, and Mindanao It given la t name i en uing from it elongated "tar u " or ankle bone... more

Cows hurt in Kodinar

In a gro event, five cow are poorly hurt by namele a ailant who attack the animal by mean of harp-edged weaponry on their back leg for no evident rea on in Kodinar The animal were e tabli hing hurt and in a blood lo tate under a viaduct tuck between Barada and Kanjotar village near Kodinar on Tue day According to... more